Friday, July 31, 2009

The First Goal Post

I'm shoring myself up to do a numbers post, but in the mean time I thought I'd post one of my big goals.

About 2.5 years ago, I had to begin taking 2 prescriptions for high blood pressure and strong palpitations. While I'm grateful and do believe they've saved my life, I feel that some less-than-desirable side effects have been insidiously growing. I know for a fact (I discussed it with my cardiologist) one of the medications caused a sort of pharmaceutical-induced asthma. Very distressing! And I feel I've slowly-become short-tempered, overly-fond of hyphens and my memory is just not what it was two years ago (and all the years leading up to then). I'm not a doctor, medical or otherwise, so this is all just conjecture. But, I know me. That's all I've got.

Anyway, to make a long story even of my Big Goals is to lose enough weight that at my next cardiology appointment (in November), the doc agrees to either lower my dosages or take me off the meds for good! I hate taking any kind of medications, but especially ones that I could've avoided had I been smarter.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Baby Steps

Off to an average start today. I have a leg injury that kept me from getting my cardio in (I use an exercise bike), but I've been eating pretty well. I was going to leave it at that, but I'm clearly not here to hide. I've eaten good foods, but my portions are way too large.

Tomorrow, I intend to post what I ate today. Or maybe I shouldn't. Hmmm. The last thing I want to do is obsess this time around. I probably will post my daily intake because I'd like a record of this trip, especially here at the (new) beginning! I feel like that should be capitalized.

The one thing I'm doing right so far is kind of a cheat for me: I drink tons of water...without really trying. I honestly enjoy drinking water.

So there.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day One

That sounds grim. I suppose it's all in my attitude. I'm ready to turn that around!

I'm beginning this blog as a way to document the progress and regress (?) on what I hope to be the climax of a life long road to health (read: weight struggles). I must lose weight. There are dozens of reasons...but there's nothing unique and they'll all come out in future posts. (Lucky you!) I love how I'm already writing as though I have an audience. At least I amuse myself.

I read plenty of blogs, so I know a huge reason to begin a blog is to keep yourself accountable. So, here I am: accounting.

The Plan: I'm not going to rush this. In the past, I've always set deadlines and then became totally derailed if I didn't reach them. So this time, I'm just going to do the unthinkable...exercise consistently and make better nutritional choices - one bite at a time. I did lose a significant amount of weight this way in the past, but I noticed a disturbing side effect: the more weight I lost, the more insecure I felt and the more "flaws" I found. And I never really felt the loss (and it was a substantial 70 pounds). Perhaps I'll be able to work some of that out through the blog this time and I won't give up right before the end.

If there's anyone out there, I promise to come up with more entertaining post titles in the future.

I'll do an All About Me post shortly. Soon enough you'll know my weight loss history, my goals, my weight (gasp) and probably too much about my cat!

Okay, I'll stop here because I'm not used to talking to myself just yet.

Here I go...