Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Weapon of Choice

Six years ago, when I was last serious about this becoming healthy thing, I began by getting up each (and every!) morning and exercising. I did it for 7 solid months: every. single. day.

And it worked. Then I began slacking off but managed to maintain my weight for another year. Now, here I am.

This morning I rode the exercise bike for 20 minutes at level 3. It was the perfect rate to not restrict my breathing, but to get my heart rate up. According to the bike, I burned 85 calories.

Last time, I began with daily exercise and eventually healthy eating followed because I figured I was working too darn hard to screw it up.

It sounds like the company line, but I actually do feel better throughout the day when I've exercised that morning. Yet even with that immediate payoff, I still have to talk myself onto that bike. It does get easier...but when? Luckily, I'll be here documenting it, so you'll know when I do!